After waking refreshed on the second day I headed towards my next hotel which was in Weinheim, just outside of Mannheim where Veterama was being held. Veterama is about 15 minutes away from the hotel I selected and the hotel has its own private parking lot which factored into the selection criteria. After a ride of 70 miles (about 2.5 hours) on very tight and twisty roads I arrived at the hotel, left my luggage at the check-in and quickly got headed to Veterama. The gates open on Friday at 12:00 for vendors and premium ticket holders and my plan was to get there at 1:00pm. Most vendors were already set-up and I started my shopping expedition right away. I have included pictures of the event that show some of the interesting old parts and motorcycles. I saw many things I wanted and thought to myself, “I will come back for that if I don’t see anything better”. I learned quickly that by the time I was back, the item I was interested in was gone! If you want it, buy it right then and there and do not procrastinate! Veterama is HUGE, and my guess would be its the size of 10 or more football fields. I spied a very nice, seemingly original R51/3 that I should have purchased but thought I would come back to it in case there were others at the event. By the time I got back to where the R51/3 was, in under two hours, it was gone! Live and learn for next time. The amount of parts and pieces I saw for BMW motorcycles was overwhelming and it is not like the swap-meets here in the states where you hardly see BMW parts. Starting at 1pm, I walked up and down countless rows of parts, pieces and motorcycles until my feet hurt BADLY which was about 7pm. I spent 6 hours walking at a fairly brisk pace and in that time I did not cover even half of the show but I knew where I wanted to go the following day.